Wie lagert man Artemia Eier?

How do you store Artemia eggs?

The problem with Artemia storage A familiar problem - I bought Artemia eggs, started them immediately and lo and behold, they hatched very quickly! Six months later, almost nothing hatches at all...
Wie züchtet man Artemia?

How do you breed Artemia?

Step by step - How to breed Artemia? In the following, we have compiled a hatching protocol that has proven to be successful and reliable based on our many years of experience in marine aquacultu...
Die Größe von Artemia Nauplien und Artemia Eiern

The size of Artemia nauplii and Artemia eggs

Which Artemia size is the right one? Artemia size? This is an important question that must be answered before feeding fish larvae. Because only with the right live food can an optimum survival ra...
Warum schlüpfen Artemia nicht?

Why don't Artemia hatch?

Breeding Artemia Breeding Artemia is not always easy... They don't hatch. A lot of mistakes are often made when incubating Artemia eggs. Even small things are enough to ensure successful hatching...
Wann schlüpfen Artemia Eier?

When do Artemia eggs hatch?

How quickly do Artemia eggs hatch? Artemia hatch within 24 to 30 hours under optimal conditions. This refers to when the total number of nauplii has hatched. The first nauplii can hatch as early ...
ArtemiaVita – Revolution in der Artemia Zucht

ArtemiaVita - Revolution in Artemia breeding

The ArtemiaVita product was launched on the market at the beginning of 2017. A new Artemia product "Made in Germany", which significantly simplifies the culture of Artemia for the user and increa...
Wie züchtet man Copepoden Eier von Acartia tonsa?

How do you breed copepod eggs of Acartia tonsa?

Copepods - high-quality live food Copepods or copepods of the species Acartia tonsa are THE superfood for rearing fish, crab, shrimp and jellyfish larvae. Their particularly high nutrient content...