Aquarienfische & Garnelen

Aquarium fish & shrimps

By aquarists for aquarists

Premium fish food for your aquarium favourites

Whether innovative Artemia or copepod eggs, floating or sinking food or high-dose algae powder - all our products have one thing in common: they are high-quality, nutritious, easy to use and species-appropriate. Because only natural food makes aquarium fish, amano shrimps and corals shine with health - and will amaze you!

25 products



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Savings set
ArtemiaVita StarterSet (100ml ArtemiaVita, 1kg salt) ArtemiaVita as an economy set incl. hatching guarantee
Sale price29,90 € Regular price34,90 €Save 5,00 €
Savings set
ArtemiaVita Set (250ml ArtemiaVita, 1kg Salz, 50g RotiBomb) Large economy set incl. slip guarantee
Sale price59,95 € Regular price73,85 €Save 13,90 €
Copepod eggs Acartia tonsa - Batch January 2025 THE ultimate starter food for difficult larval rearing
Sale priceFrom 99,95 €
399,80 € /100ml
PhytoCoral 2-in-1-Korallenfutter - Farbenpracht & stabile Wasserwerte
Sale priceFrom 29,95 €
Shrimp ZoeaPlus Professional food for successful shrimp breeding
Sale priceFrom 24,95 €
831,67 € /kg
RotiBomb Food for artemia, rotifers, daphnia, tigerpods & co.
Sale priceFrom 25,95 €
519,00 € /kg
Decapsulated Artemia eggs - for direct feeding without hatching Fish food all-rounder for direct feeding
Sale priceFrom 10,95 €
182,50 € /kg
ArtemiaVita - Artemia breeding 95%-99% hatching The new way to breed Artemia: 100% shell-free
Sale priceFrom 25,95 €
259,50 € /l
ArtemiaSalt - Breeding Artemia with an increased hatch rate Suitable for algova eggs & various other Artemia species
Sale priceFrom 9,95 €
9,95 € /kg
Artemia eggs A+ quality - Artemia breeding 90%-95% hatching The classic with maximum slip rate
Sale priceFrom 24,95 €
499,00 € /kg
Savings set
Artemia breeding set Classic Artemia eggs as an economy set incl. hatching guarantee
Sale price44,95 € Regular price60,85 €Save 15,90 €
Organic Spirulina Powder Superfood for fish, shrimps, corals & plankton
Sale priceFrom 12,95 €
25,90 € /kg
Organic Spirulina Pellets Practical alternative to algae stones
Sale priceFrom 24,95 €
41,58 € /kg
Organic Chlorella Powder Perfect care for filter feeders and plankton cultures
Sale priceFrom 22,95 €
57,38 € /kg
Nannochloropsis powder For the production of green water cultures
Sale priceFrom 27,95 €
559,00 € /kg

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