algova Produktmuster - gefahrlos und günstig unsere Produkte testen
Produktmuster algoBarf
algova Product smaples
algova Product smaples
Hermetia Soldatenfliegenlarven getrocknet - 1000ml/320g
Mehlwürmer getrocknet - 170g/1000ml
Artemia Eier dekapsuliert zur Direktverfütterung - 60g
algova Product smaples
Koi Saikin - hoch effektive Teichbakterien 60g
Nannochloropsis Pulver - reich an Omega-3-Fettsäure EPA 50g
algova Product smaples
Bio Spirulina Pulver - Premium Tierfutterqualität 500g
Bio Chlorella Pulver für Fische, Hund, Katze und Pferd - 400g
Artemia Salz für maximale Artemia-Schlupfarten - 1kg
Tubifex Würfel - 1000ml/100g
algova Product smaples
Artemia Würfel getrocknet - 1000 ml/90g
algova Product smaples
Rote Mückenlarven getrocknet - 1000ml/100g
Gammarus Bachflohkrebse getrocknet - 1000ml/120g
Süßwasser Shrimps getrocknet - 1000ml/160g
ArtemiaVita - 100ml

algova Product smaples

Sale price1,99 €

Tax included.

Product samples:

Nettoinhalt: 3g

Product samples

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Persönlicher Kundenservice

Simply test products without risk - with product samples from algova

We know this from ourselves: You're curious about a product, but don't want to buy a large quantity straight away. That's why you can (co-)order products from us and see the quality for yourself at home.

This is how it works:

  • You regularly order ArtemiaVita from us and are curious as to whether RotiBomb would also be something for you and your pets.
  • You simply add RotiBomb as a product sample to your regular ArtemiaVita order.

The cost of the product samples is €1.99 per sample. 

If you are not yet familiar with us and our products, you can of course order product samples only. In this case, however, shipping costs will be added to your shopping basket.

Important notes:

  • Please note the quantities of the product samples as these may vary.
  • It is not possible to order a regular product and the corresponding product sample at the same time.
  • Pay attention to the corresponding dosage and feeding quantity of the respective product. You can find these on the respective product page at

So everything runs smoothly!

Do you have further questions about a product? Our service team will be happy to help you.

Have fun testing!

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