Organic chlorella powder for shrimps, juvenile fish, plankton and corals.
Organic chlorella powder is a real nutrient bomb that can be used as a high-quality food for plankton cultures, filter feeders such as mussels and corals.
The microalgae chlorella is characterised by its optimal nutrient composition with a high proportion of chlorophyll, proteins, vitamins, minerals and unsaturated fatty acids.
The benefits of organic chlorella from algova in detail:
Immune boost through beta-1,3-glucan: Chlorella strengthens the immune system of many animals and thus promotes their health and vitality.
Heavy metal binding through chlorophyll: The high concentration of chlorophyll helps to effectively bind and excrete heavy metals and other toxins. The fibre also supports and stimulates digestion.
Vitamin power: With biologically bound vitamin C and other important nutrients, chlorella is the perfect food supplement and an ideal rearing feed for plankton cultures in aquaculture.
Use of chlorella in aquaculture
Chlorella is used worldwide in larval rearing to optimise the nutrition and growth of young animals. Discover the whole world of our innovative rearing products for aquaculture here.
Chlorella powder in organic quality
Anyone who knows algova knows that we do not compromise on quality. That's why we only offer our chlorella powder in organic quality. It is produced in controlled aquaculture in covered raceway ponds with sunlight and is then gently dried to preserve all the vitamins.