If you want to produce an excellent product that stands out from the crowd, you need to invest in good rearing feed for your hatchery.
We offer feed of the highest quality for the rearing of healthy and high-yielding food. No matter whether you breed zander, bream, shrimps or trout.
But we also have the right products for breeders of ornamental fish such as discus, guppies, Malawi, angelfish and butterfly cichlids.
Can't find a suitable product? Then get in touch with us using the contact form and we'll see together how we can supply you and your business with the perfect product.
Artemia eggs decapsulated for direct feeding Shrimp food Juvenile fish food - No incubation
ArtemiaVita - decapsulated Artemia Eggs with 95%-99% hatching percentage
Copepod eggs Cysten Acartia tonsa - Start feed fish larvae - With hatching guarantee - Fresh batch Jan 25
Shrimp ZoeaPlus - Dust food for rearing ornamental shrimps & white tiger shrimps